Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ADSR-Challenge 1

Season 3 of the Amazing DigiScrapper Race (ADSR) started this week! I'm excited to know that I will get at least 12 layouts done over the next 6 weeks. External motivation is always a good thing for me :-)

Sarah and I are competing as team scrap-a-lama-ding-dong again. For challenge 1, we had to use a template, use our favorite color in about half the layout (I think my favorite color is changing from green to turquoise-ish tones), use pictures of whatever our favorite thing to scrap about is, and use our favorite embellishment at least times (the same one - which for me right now, I'm loving using stitching and staples in my layouts). Here's what I came up with:

Also, I don't know if you'll be able to click on the picture and have it enlarge or not and the smaller web-size file is a bit blurred, so here is the journaling:

"My husband and kids are everything that I have dedicated my life to. They hold all of my hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, successes and failures - but mostly they hold all of my love and everything that I am and hope to become. I feel so very blessed to know that I can spend all of eternity with my precious family. What a joy it is to be a wife and a mother to such amazing people that mean everything to me. I love you, Todd. I love you, Alia. I love you, Lawson. Thanks for filling my heart with love."

Be sure to pop on over to Sarah's blog to see her layout!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Sarah said...

I really love your layout! I already told you, but I love the colors and that striped paper looks great behind the photos!

Auntie Ann said...

I like the journaling blogs the best. I think you did a great job. Next time you or Sarah come you should do a little class for me. How much do you charge an hour?