Sunday, March 30, 2008

ADSR-Challenge 10

Challenge 10 was a road block where only one team member had to complete the challenge (the one who didn't do the last road block). I was supposed to scrap about where my life is headed and how I feel about it, using at least 50 elements (!!) and at least 10 different designers. I always find it challenging to use so many elements because I generally try to have a more simplistic look. This was the best I could do to not have the whole page just look too chaotic and overloaded.

The journaling reads: Right now, I am in the stage of my life where I am sowing seeds. I am continually striving to sow seeds of love and comfort in my children, sow the seeds of the gospel in their lives, sow seeds of love in my marriage, sow seeds of care in myself and my own testimony. Todd and I have spent years sowing seeds of education and training, and finally feel like we are getting closer and closer to the harvesting of great rewards for those efforts. Where am I headed? I am headed to a splendid harvest - To a time when I will be able to watch my kids spread their wings and take off on their own, filled with the love and knowledge that I have instilled in them. I will continue to sow and reap, tend and cultivate, love and enjoy the sweet fields of opportunity that have been given over to my care. The rewards are already wonderful, and I can’t even comprehend the joy I will feel when I reap the full rewards of turning my life over to the Lord and sowing in the paths he has set before me.
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Sarah said...

I LOVE this layout! It turned out great!

Tris said...

D--you are so talented. this is gorgeous.