Saturday, August 11, 2007

Amazing Race - Week 4, Challenge 7

This challenge was a pretty tough one. We had to create a 1 or 2 page layout that had a minimum of 10 pictures. I went with a 2-pager, since I had quite a few to use and thought it would be way too crowded on one page. After I chose my background paper, and situated my pictures and title where I wanted them, we then had to swap layouts with our partner and let them add all the embellishments. It felt a little bit like "trading spaces", where you hoped what you were doing was something the other person would like, and not quite being sure what you were going to get back! Definitely a challenge for me. I stress out enough on my own layouts, and even more on someone else's. You can see how Sarah's layouts for the week turned out HERE.

Credits: Background paper: Sue Cummings; cluster frame by lemonaidlucy; cracked alpha by Doreen Stolz (recolored); font: CK fresh
Sarah's part: Flowers from Weeds and Wildflowers, Stitching (recolored) and ribbon from Christina Renee

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Holy moly that's so busy! Sorry! I knew it was a little busy and different than I normally do, but it looks even more busy side by side! Oh well!