Here's this weeks' layout with Ruby's template. I had a hard time narrowing it down with R, and there are probably about 10 pages I could do with pictures from Riverside Park. It's definitely one of our favorite places here. I took the kids there day before yesterday to eat lunch and feed the ducks again - probably our last time there before we move this weekend. It's starting to get sad!
Paper on R: cutekits_tommyboy_girl_blogsample
tab by BadCandy
Blue background paper: Pattie Knox
font: 2peas architect
Hi Deanne- I just popped over to say thank you for your comments on my blog today! I really appreciate them- I don't usually moan and have come to terms with download/thank you ratio's- but when people start getting nasty at my my fellow designers it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.. and well Jazz's comment this morning just made it easy to put it ALL forward. But again THANK YOU for you reply.
I found you through comments you left on the Colton's blog. I'm not sure if you remember me, but we were moving just as you moved to Wisconsin. Anyway, I'm so glad to have found your blog because to be honest I had no idea digi-scrapbooking existed. Of course I knew you could do those photo books at the various sites, but this looks fun. Again, I have no idea what it is or how to do it, but when I have some time I will probably search through your blog and other digi-scrapbook blogs and try to learn a few things. Good luck with the upcoming move. Riverside Park was one of my favorite places also!
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