Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday Template

Here's today's template from Ruby. I was a slacker last week and didn't get one made because it was the letter "D", so of course I was going to do one on myself. Yeah, that didn't happen because I had a really hard time trying to find any decent pictures of myself to use on the darn thing! Ironically, it actually did take me a couple minutes to figure out what to do with the letter "E". And then all the sudden my own last name hit me like lightning. Guess I need to be an Ebbert a little longer to speed that thought process up a bit...
Ruby's E Template
Weathered Delights mini-kit by Julie Mead
Fonts: Architect and CK Cursive


Kristy said...

D, this turned out really great. What a fun page. It makes me want to scrap! I just haven't had time to do it lately with all this project stuff going on. I have a copy of ACDsee and still haven't put it on my comp. how sad is that?!?

Kristy said...

Oh yeah...how did the printing go? Did you like how the pages looked printed out? I'd love a report!

Todd said...

Isn't my wife a babe?