Thursday, January 18, 2007

My Newest Layouts

I guess, technically, you could call these my first 2 real layouts that I've done. It's so much fun and I'm amazed at how much is possible with just the teeny tiny amount of knowledge that I have. I can't wait to do some more tutorials and really figure this stuff out! Hopefully there will be lots and lots of layouts to post in the future!

This is one I did this afternoon from our snow a couple days ago.

Credits: this layout was done with KristenCD's January kit from the Year of Celebrations kit I got from ACOT , and the snowflakes were a freebie from Michelle Coleman.

Here's the one I did for Ruby's challenge.
I used Ruby's free Brand New Day mini-kit and one of her templates as well for this layout.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love your layouts! And your page looks great! I can't wait to see more and get started myself!